Leiden University Student Repository

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Odontogenic maxillary sinusitis in post-medieval populations from Arnhem and Middenbeemster, the Netherlands (1626-1866 AD)
Estimating Parity from the Bony Pelvis
The DSP method in The Netherlands
The Puzzle of Commingling
Of Athletes and Agriculture
Genes or Physical Activity: Scapular Axillary Border Variation in Three Modern Human Populations from the Netherlands and Sudan.
Dependable mandible
Activity patterns of a rural and urban environment in  post-medieval Netherlands -  A study between Middenbeemster and Arnhem using osteoarthritis
Choose your side. Osteometric sex diagnosis from both upper limbs in Late Medieval and Post-Medieval Dutch populations.
The Dutch Distemper: Testing a New Diagnostic Method for Scurvy in a 19th Century Dutch Rural Population
Sex and the Cities: Urbanization's Influence on Sexual Dimorphism in the Post-Medieval Dutch
Making the Invisible Visible: Test of an osteological population-specific non-adult sexing approach using permanent odontometrics on a post-medieval Dutch skeletal collection
Heavy Work? Body mass and entheseal change in the Dutch Middenbeemster collection.
Sexual dimorphism in the first proximal hand phalanges of the 17th - 19th century Middenbeemster skeletal collection
