Leiden University Student Repository

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Different status, better diet?
The DSP method in The Netherlands
Of Athletes and Agriculture
Let them eat cake!
Do Feet Really Tell All? Comparing the Stature Estimation Method of Pablos et al. (2013) to the Established Fully Method and Trotter and Gleser Method with Skeletal Analysis of the Middenbeemster Collection from the 16th till 18th Century AD
A pathological truth
Artisans of the Arauquinoid A study into craftsmanship in the skeletal population of the 9th to 12th century site of Tingi Holo in Suriname
STRAIGHT TO THE HIPS: Pelvic inlet morphology as an indicator of nutritional status in two urban, post-medieval Dutch collections.
Living with Holes in the Head: A Regional Study on the Nature and Survival Rates of Trepanation in Pre-Colonial Peru
Becoming Sisamu and Having Charanke:  Constructing dialogue between the Ainu and non-Indigenous physical  anthropologists to move forward towards inclusive model of community- based Indigenous archaeology in Japan
Growing out of it: An osteological assessment of puberty in Dutch post-medieval Middenbeemster, as a proxy for health and disease
Worked to the Bone
Burned between the rivers, Osteological analysis of an Iron Age cremation graveyard from Panningen-Loo, the Netherlands and its context in Late Prehistoric funerary rituals.
