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(21 - 40 of 77)


Kafala, from Modern Roots until Reform
Migration, Welfare State and Radical Right Populist Parties (RRPPs): A multiple case study of Italy and Spain
''Hamar larkan ke ka hoi, hamar bitia ke ka hoi?'' The Influence of Migration History on the Identity of Hindostani in The Netherlands.
Haitian Lives Matter
The Discursive Construction of Us vs Them: A Critical Discourse Study of Migrant Representation in the Italian Press
The impact of the migrant crisis on EASO: A study of agencification within the agency’s Management Board
The Scrounger Myth
Owning Up to Responsibilities
Active labour market policies for non-Western migrants in the Netherlands
Disproportionality within the climate crisis
Political Activism of Chilean women exiled in Spain (1973-1990)
Strategic Reactions on Migration and Integration Policies by Established Parties - a Case Study of Germany
Migration and integration discourse in Dutch politics
Effect of Subsidized Higher Education on Highly Skilled Migration  in the European Economic Area
A powerless policy: An analysis of what limited the Dutch state in their attempt to deport Chinese immigrants in 1945-1965
Dutch as a Heritage Language in Brazil. A Descriptive Analysis of Language Variation in Paraná Dutch
