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Employee Friendliness (EF) of organizations: A cross-sectional study addressing the role of EF job content, EF work climate, EF leadership and EF policies in perceived organizational friendliness and its implications for employee well-being, work stress,
A Taste of His Own Medicine
The Dutch Rijks ICT-dashboard - Green Light for Transparency to Accountability?
Stille helden
Algerian Youth and the Contestation over Sound on TikTok
Leaning on legitimacy
Understanding the Influence of Academic Demands and Resources, Perceptions of Inclusion and Minority Student Status on Student Well-Being: An analysis of the Job Demands-Resources Model in Higher Education
Does Cognitive Load Follow the Sun? A Study to Explore the Existence of Temporal Patterns in Cognitive Load Measures
Intangible Cultural Heritage Designation in South Korea: Reconstruction and Transmission of Salpuri-dance through Living Cultural Treasure Lee Eun-Joo
Becoming Acalote: The Performance That Transformed a Road Into a Waterway
Literary Influences in Contemporary Dance. Performing Masculinity in "Paradise Lost".
Representatie van het lichaam in de hedendaagse Chinese kunst
“Within art everything, outside of art nothing”: Testing the limits of the Cuban government regarding freedom of expression via Tatlin’s Whisper #6 by Tania Bruguera
Effects of different types of leaderboards on player engagement and performance in a casual study game
Self-confidence coming straight from the heart: A biopsychosocial approach to self-efficacy
Theatrical elements in contemporary museums of archaeology, anthropology and art
Media Mix Beyond Fiction
Death Becomes Her: Stage, Portraiture, and Female Death in Yevgeni Bauer
