Leiden University Student Repository

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De invloed van taal op desire begrip bij kinderen met een cochleair implantaat
Volunteers as Social and Moral Example (for the Self) and Effects in the Context of Volunteer Recruitment
De invloed van empathie op depressieve en sociale angstsymptomen bij kinderen met een Autismespectrumstoornis
De rol van empathie & vriendschappen op sociale angst bij kinderen met gehoorverlies
Nieuw! Onderzoek naar hoe negatieve stemming de interesse in nieuwe producten beïnvloedt
A Study on Revenge
The difference between impulsivity on the Stroop task with students and elders
The Authentic Personality in the Classroom: Relating Student Performance to Perceived Authenticity in Teaching
Effects of Positive and Negative Stereotypes on Cognitive Control: The Role of Regulatory Focus
The Role of Status Legitimacy in Tacit Coordination
The Impact of Voice Pitch and Listener’s Power on a Radio Commercial’s Persuasiveness
The friendly flank of honor: Study on the relations of culture, regulatory focus and conflict management
The effect of instruction on response in a Simon task on the Wii-Balance board
The predictio ratio: A study into an alternative statistical procedure to p-value hypothesis testing
