Leiden University Student Repository

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Short-term Revenue Forecasting at KLM
Finding ABC-triples using Elliptic Curves
De complexiteit van Buchbergers algoritme
Membrane Transport
Optimal trading strategy for storage systems
Different of Alike? An inter-island comparison of burials from three Pre-Columbian sites
Asymptotic blowup vortex solutions of the NLS
Voronoi Diagrams and Their Application in the DTFE Reconstructions of the Cosmic Web
Ronde gebouwen en hun wijding aan de god Quetzalcoatl-Ehecatl in Mesoamerika
Het lokaal-globaalprincipe
Archaeological Site Distribution Patterns in the West Indies. A Comparison Between Saba and Anguilla
Mesolithic bone and antler barbed points from Europoort. An experimental approach
Boat Symbolism and Identity in Insular Southeast Asia. A Case study from the Southeast Moluccas
Motorproblems and Laterality in a Childpsychiatric Population and the Relation with Language-, and Math Performance.
Canaanite Death Rituals in the Southern Levant. An evolutionary approach to Northern Palestinian burial practices during the Middle Bronze IIA Period at Gesher
Ancient DNA Analysis of Fossil Mammoth and Mastodon Dung. Contributions to dietary research
