Leiden University Student Repository

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The Middle Pleistocene fauna from Schöningen (Lower Saxony, Germany). What do the large mammals tell us?
Traditional plant medicine on Hispaniola. A historical and ethnoarchaeological study
Gehavende Kosmos. Nieuwe Inzichten in het Kosmologisch Mozaïek in Mérida
Motifs and Motivation. A Re-assessment of Methodological Approaches to Central Panamanian Iconography
The presence of Christianity in Gaul in the 4th century. The Rise of Christianity in the cities of Gaul in the 4th century
Beeldruimten van contractieve projecties
Gips in beeld. De collectie gipsafgietsels van klassieke sculptuur van het Rijksmuseum van Oudheden te Leiden, 1818 – 2008
On Galois extensions generated by radicals
Encryption from Weaker Assumptions
On the inverse problem for deformation rings of representations
Construction of Rational Elliptic Surfaces with Mordell-Weil Rank 4
Geometric constructions of the irreducible representations of GLm(C)
Potentieel goede reductie van elliptische krommen met een gegeven periodenrooster
Relics of a Forgotten Colony. The Cannon and Anchors of St. Eustatius
Anisotropic modules and the integral closure
Connecting localities. The relationship between central places and rural settlements in Minoan Crete during the Pre- and Protopalatial periods.
Sums of Squares, Modular Forms, and Hecke Characters
Lineaire recurrente rijen
