Leiden University Student Repository

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(53,621 - 53,640 of 53,776)


The behaviour and attractiveness of the Lotka-Volterra equations
On the separation of sounds of musical instruments
Stochastische spelen
Algebraische topologie en de fixpuntstelling van Lefschetz
Banach algebras
On the Chern correspondence for principal fibre bundles with complex reductive structure group
The representation ring and the center of the group ring
Finite time blow-up of a singular parabolic problem
Galois action on division points
Portfolio optimization
Modeling a vehicle with use of partial vehicles and implementation in MATLAB/Simulink
A cyclotomic proof of Catalan's conjecture
Time of peak response in turnover models in pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics
The support problem
The expected exit time in applications. A two-sided approach.
Airport capacity modelling for dynamic separation distance schemes.
Analysis of Newton's method to compute travelling wave solutions to lattice differential equations
Doorstroommodel TWR/APP
Analysis and optimization for an algorithm for Discrete Tomography
