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Begrip en interpretatie van CBM-voortgangsdata door docenten
(Re) Presenting the Missing: The Artworks of Teresa Margolles and Oscar Muñoz
“Unknown, Unloved”: The Developing Ideas regarding Language Policy in the Dutch East Indies, 1890s–1928
De middeleeuwse psyche - Psychologie in het laatmiddeleeuwse curriculum van Geneeskunde
'This is the world, the cosmos of Tlaloc.' An iconographical analysis of page 23 of the Central Mexican Codex Laud.
Gouden Kunst in de Gilded Age: Commerciële en Economische Motieven voor het Aankopen en Verzamelen van Kunst in de Gilded Age
Guns for hire: Verklarend onderzoek naar militaire private contractanten
Your food is my friend! An anthropological investigation in Yogyakarta's dog meat trade and the animal activism against this practice
Semantic search: finding new meaning in research libraries
Laryngeal Contrasts in English and Dutch: The Fortis/Lenis Distinction
De journalistiek in gesprek met zichzelf: Metajournalistiek interpreteren met behulp van Shapiro's evaluatiekader
Undesirability, negation, and/or responsibility. An intersubjective approach to constructions with μή in Ancient Greek
Disneyfying the Middle Ages: The Medieval Period in Contemporary Museum Exhibitions
Van rekwisiet tot machtssymbool: de cognitieve functie van de thyrsus in Euripides' Bacchae
Het imago van muzikanten  De rol van Anton Corbijn als portretfotograaf van de sterren
Melodramas of a Beset Humanity: Gender and Civilization in Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Reinventing "the Creature": An Analysis of How Modern Genre Conventions Determine the Identity of "The Creature" in Contemporary Cinematic Adaptations of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein
