De inzet van de Nederlandse marine in de strijd tegen de illegale trans-Atlantische slavenhandel na de ondertekening van het Brits- Nederlands verdrag ter wering van de slavenhandel op 4 mei 1818.
Deze scriptie onderzoekt welke logos- en ethostechnieken worden gebruikt in kranten en op Facebook in de discussie over witte busjes met kinderlokkers. Logos en ethos zijn retorische...Show moreDeze scriptie onderzoekt welke logos- en ethostechnieken worden gebruikt in kranten en op Facebook in de discussie over witte busjes met kinderlokkers. Logos en ethos zijn retorische overtuigingsmiddelen, die respectievelijk inhouden de argumentatie en de indruk die als spreker wordt gemaakt. Het onderzochte corpus bestaat uit krantenartikelen en Facebookdiscussies uit de periode 2013-2015, waarvan de manier is geanalyseerd waarop discussianten zeggen te geloven in de witte busjes en de manier waarop zij daar autoriteit bij claimen.Show less
Voor Heidegger en Levinas is de sterfelijkheid een wezenlijk kenmerk van het menselijk leven. Het nadenken over de eigen dood biedt de mens volgens beide denkers belangrijke inzichten in het...Show moreVoor Heidegger en Levinas is de sterfelijkheid een wezenlijk kenmerk van het menselijk leven. Het nadenken over de eigen dood biedt de mens volgens beide denkers belangrijke inzichten in het bestaan. Bewustwording van het gegeven dat de mens gaat sterven, is volgens hen cruciaal om de waarde van het leven te beseffen. Bovendien menen beiden dat de dood doorleefd kan worden, door dit fenomeen naast biologisch, ook ontologisch en metafysisch te interpreteren. Op deze manieren begrepen, is de doodsbeleving bij zowel Heidegger als Levinas een levensvernieuwende gebeurtenis. Over de precieze betekenis van het fenomeen van de sterfelijkheid en wat de dood ons leert over het leven zijn ze het echter volledig oneens. Levinas’ ideeën over het wezen van de mens en de invulling van het goede leven verschillen sterk van die van Heidegger. Ze zijn een fundamentele kritiek op Heideggers ontologische filosofie in Sein und Zeit. Dit onderzoekt maakt aannemelijk dat deze kritiek op Heideggers denken samenkomt in Levinas’ alternatieve doodsanalyse. Het nieuwe inzicht dat deze zienswijze oplevert, is een verheldering van Levinas’ kritiek op Heidegger via de fenomenologie van de dood.Show less
After Lance Armstrong, seven time Tour de France winner, confessed to the use of performance-enhancing drugs during all seven of his wins, one might wonder why people kept believing in his...Show moreAfter Lance Armstrong, seven time Tour de France winner, confessed to the use of performance-enhancing drugs during all seven of his wins, one might wonder why people kept believing in his innocence for many years. This thesis examines the linguist-stylistic features that Armstrong uses to persuade the interviewer in his 2005 deposition. Additionally, it investigates to what extent assumed linguistic signs of lying are present in Armstrong’s language use. By identifying the stylistic choices through inductive and deductive stylistic analysis, this thesis attempts to determine how these choices contribute to Armstrong’s persuasiveness. The results show that Armstrong uses different stylistic choices that can be placed in the overarching categories of repetition, hedges, intensifiers and conditionals. Determining the presence of linguistics signs of lying in his language use proves to be rather difficult. In the end, there appears to be a certain a balance in Armstrong’s stylistic choices that possibly contributes to his persuasiveness.Show less
On March 25 2013 the EU-Japan Economic Partnership (EPA) negotiations were officially started. This happened after the EU and Japan had experienced a hiatus of nearly two years (following the end...Show moreOn March 25 2013 the EU-Japan Economic Partnership (EPA) negotiations were officially started. This happened after the EU and Japan had experienced a hiatus of nearly two years (following the end of the 2001 Action plan in May 2011) during which it was not sure whether another official document between the two would ever be signed. Even at the moment of writing this thesis, now that negotiations have started and both the EU and Japan aim to finish the negotiations by the end of the year, it remains to be seen whether or not the finalization of the agreement will become a reality. Thus far most of the negotiations have been characterized by the EU and Japan trying to harmonize their tariff-, non-tariff barriers and import regulations. These barriers and regulations have hindered their mutual trade relations for the past decades in key industries such as the automobile and electronics industry. Because of the protective nature of both the EU and Japan towards these key industries a comprehensive agreement has yet to be reached, although some deals have been made in selected areas, such as safety regulations in cars. This skepticism is what is reflected in the majority of scholarly articles published on the topic as well. However, from the perspective of neo-realist theory this does not make sense. Both the EU and Japan have had stagnating economies for the past years and both want to improve their global economic power; the EU in the Asian region and Japan in the western world. The EU recently signed a FTA with South-Korea and Japan is trying to finalize a similar agreement with the US. The same problems that hinder the EU and Japan for the past years should have hindered these agreements as well, but for some reason they have not. The neo-realist perspective of relative gains trumping absolute gains is thus not completely accurate on this topic. What I want to find out in this thesis is to what extent non-governmental actors (NGAs) have influenced the development of the EU-Japan EPA negotiations. In order to do this I will look at one of the most influential industries for both the EU and Japan: the automobile industry. If the negotiations have been significantly influenced by NGAs, meaning recommendations of said actors have systematically found themselves implemented in governmental policies on the matter, the primarily neo-realist perspective that has found itself implanted in the majority of conclusions of scholarly articles on the topic is not accurate. If my expectations turn out to be true, a shift towards neo-liberalism is more appropriate as it includes the influences of said NGAs.Show less