Leiden University Student Repository

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Inlevingsvermogen en de attitude over coöperatief leren
Beïnvloeding van creativiteti: Overdracht van control states door middel van interpersoonljke visuele observatie
Tekstbegrip en werkgeheugen bij het lezen van een tekst woord-voor-woord
Begrijpend lezen in het vmbo: De rol van het maken van inferenties, woordenschat, intrinsieke leesmotivatie en extrinsieke leesmotivatie
Simulations of Tracking Gold Nanorods with Two-Photon Scanning Microscopy in 3D
Effects of menstrual phase and oral contraceptive use on hearing thresholds
Choosing the right path: How decision reversibility affects regret and self-credit
Do therapist characteristics moderate feedback effects?
Emotions like a boomerang? The effect of the strategic use of emotions on objective and subjective negotiation outcomes
Hail to the chief or down with the king : The differing political survival of traditional elites in Nigerian politics
De invloed van executieve functies op de ontwikkeling van woordenschat en printkennis en de rol van print referencing
The combined effects of scarcity and guilt on product evaluation
Single parenthood and adolescent behavioural problems: The mediational role of mother-child relationship
Negotiating masculinity in Yogyakarta’s pool centers: A game of skill, contesting and respecting values, and possessions
Reproducing discourses, reinforcing opinions: Establishing dialogue amongst youth in Leipzig’s Ethnographic Museum
