Leiden University Student Repository

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Reproducing discourses, reinforcing opinions: Establishing dialogue amongst youth in Leipzig’s Ethnographic Museum
Een buitenlander onder de goden: Reshep in het Oude Egypte
A Paleographic Study of the Bab el-Gasus Coffins
Intelligentie als buffer tegen internaliserend en externaliserend probleemgedrag
The Value of the CMI/CMIM to China
Generalized IRTree models of children's analogical reasoning processes
The Image of Women in the Chinese Media
Dynamic testing in children with specific language impairment
Young children's visual attention to illustrations in storybooks: The influence of the accompanying oral text on the eye-gaze patterns
De persoonlijkheidskenmerken van de Dark Triad en het verband tussen traditioneel pesten en cyberpesten
Emotionele verwaarlozing, coping & depressie onder hoogopgeleide jongvolwassenen
Effect of the menstrual cycle on N100, P200, N200 and P300 auditory-related events
A matter of volume: Cortical and deep gray volume decline in FTD and AD and the predictability of MMSE and FAB
