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De samenstelling van de demos en een hervorming van uti possidetis
Psychological interventions enhance medication adherence in people living with HIV: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trails
The counterintuitive effects of spoiling behavior: Tracing the peace process of mali, Africa; 2013-2015
Bencoolen Lives: the long aftermath of the 1824 Anglo-Dutch Treaty
De Grote Prins en de Kleine Mens
Social defeat, neighbourhood characteristics and mental health in immigrant youth: A multilevel approach
Does locus of control mediate the relation between self-concept and prosocial behaviour in adolescence?
The effects of mood and anxiety on itch sensitivity and skin response to the histamine-iontophoresis
The impact of adult attachment style on social rejection sensitivity
Caffeine and epilepsy: A systematic review with quantitative analyses
Bringing up a daughter is like watering a neighbor's plant: The debates regarding female infanticide in India and how it operates in practice
Welke karaktereigenschappen hebben invloed op het plaatsen van alcoholreferenties op Facebook?
Overeenkomsten en verschillen anorexia en boulimia nervosa
Trauma self-help using an app: User patterns and user satisfaction of the SUPPORT Coach app
The influence of cognitive load on taste perception and preferences: Behavioral and neuroimaging findings
Go Fatum Yourself: On how Vergil's Aeneas interacts with his fatum and motivates others and himself from his leadership position
