O desencanto é um fenômeno que vem desafiando a estrutura política chilena apesar dos progressos alcançados pela sociedade. Tal fenômeno é reflexo e está relacionado à fatores políticos, econômicos...Show moreO desencanto é um fenômeno que vem desafiando a estrutura política chilena apesar dos progressos alcançados pela sociedade. Tal fenômeno é reflexo e está relacionado à fatores políticos, econômicos e sociais, que juntos motivam a frustração e o descontentamento da sociedade chilena em relação às instituições políticas de seu país. Dentro deste cenário um grupo merece atenção, os jovens. Baseado nos registros de participação eleitoral, desde a redemocratização o número de jovens chilenos que se registram como eleitores e que efetivamente votam vem diminuindo. Haja vista que os jovens representam um grupo importante quanto à percentagem de cidadãos aptos a votar, e que por sua diversificada composição social e cultural refletem os setores componentes da sociedade chilena, seu afastamento da política tem levado questionamentos tanto quanto às suas razões quanto a maneiras de lidar com o fenômeno, e que reflexos ele poderia trazer para o cenário político chileno atual e futuro.Show less
Despite many warning signs, two of the deadliest genocides in modern history occurred right under the noses of the United Nations (UN). The Hutus in Rwanda killed approximately eight hundred...Show moreDespite many warning signs, two of the deadliest genocides in modern history occurred right under the noses of the United Nations (UN). The Hutus in Rwanda killed approximately eight hundred thousand Tutsis and Hutu sympathisers in 1994. A year later, Bosnian Serb forces were attempting to gain territory in Bosnia, and attacked Srebrenica. After taking over the town, the forces executed roughly eight thousand Bosnian Muslim men and buried them in mass graves. UN peacekeepers had been stationed in Rwanda and Srebrenica at the time of most of the killings, but were unable and unwilling to get involved in the conflicts. The UN high command had opportunities to intervene and stop the executions that were taking place because of ethnic differences, but they failed to do so. The international community was also indirectly involved in the genocides, as their inaction made it easy for the perpetrators to continue on their bloody path. The Dutch state has recently been held accountable by the Netherlands Court of Appeal for three hundred deaths that occurred during the Srebrenica massacre. However, no state has been taken to court by any plaintiffs for any of the deaths during the Rwandan genocide.Show less
With the echoes of the 2015 Paris Climate Conference (COP21) still ringing, it is clear the climate change is not just a reality but a series of formalised and not yet formalised threats to life as...Show moreWith the echoes of the 2015 Paris Climate Conference (COP21) still ringing, it is clear the climate change is not just a reality but a series of formalised and not yet formalised threats to life as we know it. Climate change is multi-faceted and complex, a challenge that can only be tackled with multi-levelled cooperation that involves actors from the international to the local levels and leverages new technologies and methodologies to create innovative and sensible adaptation and resilience models. A quote attributed to Albert Einstein sums up the current state of affairs, “Problems cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them”. Big Data can be that new ‘out of the box’ thinking and mythologies that drive and bring about solutions to the most challenging problems that future generations face.In Peace Review, Erin McCandless introduces the Journal of Peacebuilding and Development where she is Chief Editor. She states that the journal’s mission amounts to understanding the “intersections of conflict, development and peace” (McCandless 505). In order to do so, she argues that, there is a need to “firmly question dominant paradigms and conceptual and methodological framings, linking debates to real cases on the ground, and encouraging alternative visions and choices for action” (McCandless 505). The contention here is that Big Data is that critical vantage point that McCandless much seeks after. Big Data can provide the facts through numbers and correlations than can provide the counter-arguments to much acclaimed traditional patterns of thought by providing the raw data collected on the ground.Show less
This thesis explores how education policies had influenced the developments of different identity formations in colonial and postcolonial Taiwan and Hong Kong. Based on findings about and analysis...Show moreThis thesis explores how education policies had influenced the developments of different identity formations in colonial and postcolonial Taiwan and Hong Kong. Based on findings about and analysis of education policies that had connections with identity formation, this thesis tries to argue that, firstly, education policies caused different identity formations (Japanese colonial, Chinese and Taiwanese identities) in colonial and postcolonial Taiwan, while education policies contributed to the formation of one single identity, the Hong Kong identity, in colonial and postcolonial Hong Kong. Secondly, consequences of the introduction of education policies on identity formations in Taiwan and Hong Kong were different.Show less