Leiden University Student Repository

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De persoonlijkheidskenmerken van de Dark Tetrad in relatie tot de traditionele pester en de cyberpester
Change in U.S. foreign policy towards Cuba: Obama's rejection of the past
Modernidade, prosperidade econômica e desencanto político: reflexões sobre a participação política da juventude chilena
Could the Morphing Faces Task measure implicit emotions?
De invloed van het Amerikaans Congres op het buitenlands beleid: Aan de hand van het embargo tegen Cuba
The Attribution of Accountability after the Rwandan Genocide and the Srebrenica Massacre
Can Big Data in line with the Sustainable Development Goals Enhance Climate Change Resilience? Early Warning Systems, Adaptation and Resilience Opportunities
The prisoner's dilemma game: The effect of feedback and nonverbal communication on cooperative behavior
Anxiety and cognitive performance
Het verschil in volume van de Amygdala tussen Frontotemporale Dementie en Alzheimer
Delegating sanction power: the use of centralized authorities
