Leiden University Student Repository

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Economic development and democratization in Ghana: Sustaining democracy through legitimacy
Identifying careless responders in routine outcome monitoring data
Towards an organic mentality: An ethnographic study about the relation of organic rice cultivation and the inequality between farmers in "Kali Loro", Indonesia
Identity Formation and Education Policies in Colonial and Postcolonial Taiwan and Hong Kong
Losing the digital warfare: How the US and the UK are failing to win hearts and minds on Twitter
Policy punctuations in the Netherlands: The cases of alcohol and gambling policy
Incorporating need for cognition in learning algorithms of online adaptive persuasive systems
Mismatch negativity and cognitive performance in antipsychotic-naïve first-episode schizophrenia patients
De huwelijkspolitiek van de derde dynastie van Ur
Lagging behind or keeping up? A longitudinal study on theory of mind in children with cochlear implants
Increasing the rate of fear extinciton in humans by using non-invasive vagus nerve stimulation
American military interventionism: Stepping back from intervention against the Assad Regime
De relatie tussen executief functioneren en taal bij kinderen met een extra X-chromosoom
