Leiden University Student Repository

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(1 - 18 of 18)
Helping NPOs: A Cross-sectional Study about the Willingness to Donate of Members of the General Public and the Role of Morality, Competence, Empathy, and Collectivism
What is the effect of acute stress on affective empathy in female students?
Exploring the Relationship between Empathy, Depression and Gender in Adolescents using Reported Causes of Depression
Financial hardship and avoidance: The promising role of shame-resilience and willingness to contact.
The Role of Empathy and Alexithymia in Moral Reasoning of Psychopaths
Moederlijke Sensitiviteit en Expliciete Etnische Outgroup Vooroordelen van Kinderen en de rol van Empathie en Epistemische Nieuwsgierigheid van Kinderen
The Role of Empathy in Prosocial Learning and Feelings of Responsibility as a Mediating Factor
Empathie en Agressie bij Jongens met een Gedragsstoornis en een Autisme Spectrum Stoornis
Money Shots
Psychopaths’ Moral Decision Making in an Empathy Dictator Game
Judging the Trustworthiness of Others
The Role of Empathy in Openness to Experience
Learning that Benefits Others: The Effects of Oxytocin on Prosocial Learning and the Role of Empathy
Prosocial Behavior in Low Empathetic Offenders Presented within Neutral, Positive, and Prosocial Social Situations
The forgotten art of empathy: Retrieving an empathic approach in medicine
Empathy and friendship quality in children and adolescents with developmental language disorder
The relationship between language and empathy in 8-to-12-year-old boys: The influence of Disruptive Behavior Disorders
Emotiesocialisatie door ouders en de sociaal-emotionele ontwikkeling van jonge kinderen