Leiden University Student Repository

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Ambiguous Aspirations while Combatting Communism.
Polychrome Constellations
Did the FSLN Backfire? 40 Years of Revolution: State Repression and Former Supporters’ Perceptions
The Role of Protest Music in the Sandinista Revolution in 1979
The Sparks that Started the Fire Environmental Protests against the Wildfire in the Biosphere Indio-Maíz, Nicaragua in April 2018
The role of the pre-Hispanic past in the construction of local and national identities in Nicaragua
Interzonal Interaction in Pre-Conquest North Central Nicaragua
Foreign Aid and its Effectiveness in Reducing Poverty in the Republic of Nicaragua
Determining the Outstanding Universal Value of Archaeological Heritage: The case of the pre-Hispanic site of Aguas Buenas, Chontales, Nicaragua for UNESCO World Heritage
An osteological analysis of the skeletal material from the pre-Colonial archaeological site of La Pachona, Nicaragua
Revoluties in de achtertuin. Amerikaans beleid ten aanzien van marxistische regimes in het Caraïbisch gebied, 1959-1990.
Populism and Favouritism in Nicaragua from 2006 onwards: The Evolution of President Daniel Ortega – Does History Repeat Itself?
Reading the Revolution
The impact of FT on small farmer; The Case of Union of Indigenous Communities of the Isthmus Region in Mexico and Society of Small Producers for Coffee Export in Nicaragua
No a la Minaria en Rancho Grande: An Investigation into the Relationship between Structure, Agency, Protest, and Mining in a Nicaraguan Village
El sistema pronominal en nicañol (español nicaragüense)
Patterns on the surface and below. A revision of archaeological interpretations of Prehispanic Chontales, Nicaragua
Interacting through sherds
Reading the landscape: Using landscape analysis to reconstruct the formation of three rock art sites in the Circum-Caribbean
The Flight of the Feathered Serpent: A Comparative Iconological Analysis of Feathered Serpent Motifs on Greater Nicoyan Ceramics and the Mesoamerican Quetzalcoatl.
Rock Solid: Rock Art Analysis and Documenting at Aguas Buenas (AD 400 - 1600), Nicaragua
Polychrome ceramics from the northern Gran Nicoya area, Nicaragua