Leiden University Student Repository

Search results

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Racism Perpetuated? On Colourblind Language and Its Implications
From Racism to Religion: Uncovering the Ideological Motivations behind Drug Policy in Bolsonaro’s Brazil.
It’s Not All Black and White
Migration governance in Europe: A comparative analysis of the Syrian and Ukrainian refugee crises. Unveiling the pendulum of security and solidarity.
Self-Defense and European Anti-Immigration
It’s Not All Black and White
It’s Not All Black and White
It’s Not All Black and White
The Central Park Five and Their Media Coverage
A Nation Divided: How Confederate Symbols Unified a Southern Culture and Identity and Polarized the United States of America
When a Warrior Meets a Knight
Police Brutality and Structural Racism in the United States
Colourism in Indonesia, The Marginalization of Melanesian groups - The Effect of Colourism in the Southeast Asian Beauty Standard
Reinventing Racism: Covert Racism in Ronald Reagan's Political Rhetoric During the 1980s War on Drugs
Black versus White: The Origin of Modern Racism in American Slavery
The War on Drugs in the United States: Drugs as an instrument to securitize racial minorities (1875-1937)
Racism in Italian football
Defining Racism for a White Liberal Audience: Americanah and The Sellout
Odi et Amo within the European Union: A Space to Love, A Space to Hate
Naming That-Which-Must-Remain-Unnamed: Harry Potter's Battle Against Gender Inequality, Child Abuse, Racism, and Ostracism
Drawing the Cuban Colour Line: Chinese Labour Exclusion in the Early Twentieth Century
“A Deep Black Wordless Conviction”: Grotesque Evangelicals in Flannery O’Connor’s Wise Blood
The Other Side of the West: Lovecraft's Orientalism in "Arthur Jermyn" and "Imprisoned with the Pharaohs"
Ghost Citizens of Hispaniola and the Spectre of Antihaitianismo
