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Cross-sectional geometry analysis of the Roman inhumations from the Valkenburg-Marktveld cemetery
Over the garden wall?
Romeins water, bron van religie?
Crinagoras of Mytilene
Praising Athens under Rome
Lucubrationes nostrae
Political alliances in the late Roman Republic
Domine Quo Vadis
"Il diavolo no burla?" Pieter van Laers Zelfportret (c. 1635-1637) heronderzocht
The Religion of Plotinus
Conrad Celtis' Rome
Dacia Traiana
The diffusion of the cult of Isis from Egypt across the Mediterranean world. A study of the diffusion of the cult of Isis from Egypt across the Mediterranean world through the analysis of the Temple of Isis at Philae, the Temple of Isis at the Campus Mart
De Romeinse interesse in de Grieken
Het was een nacht... Over de perceptie van de antieke nacht aan de hand van de satiren van de spot- en hekeldichter Juvenalis.
De munticonografie van denarii in de Late Republiek van 139 v.Chr. tot en met 49 v.Chr.
Festivals and Feasts in Ancient Egypt
De weg naar Rome - Veranderende motieven voor de tocht naar Rome van Middeleeuwen tot heden.
Keizer Tiberius: reactie op actie
Between fear, power and entertainment - An archaeological and historical perspective on the Roman attitudes towards exotic animals from the 3rd century BCE to the 5th century CE
The skyline of Rome
Instruments of divine power, divine intervention through use of weather phenomena in representations and religious practice in the Roman empire
Ama et cave canem. De Romein en zijn hond in de alledaagse omgang, mythe en godenwereld
A Stroll down Memory Lane: A biography of the first eleven miles of the Via Appia Antica in suburban Rome, Italy
