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(1 - 24 of 27)


COVID-19 Pandemic: Are Women at Risk for Adjustment Disorder Symptoms Because of Conflicts, Stay-At-Home Burden, and Violence?
Horrific Fiction?
Conspiracy theories and Radicalization
Legitimacy of armed groups: A gendered perspective on the Women’s Protection Units
portable violence: Facebook and ethnic cleansing in Myanmar's Nothern Rakhine region 2012-present day
Defining the boundaries of violence: political xenophobia and hate crime in the United States
Karadžić Lead your Aussies? An exploratory thesis on the relationship between the Heavenly Serbia discourse and the Christchurch Shooting
Neoliberalization, Crime and Violence in Contemporary Mexico: Assessing the Huachicoleo phenomenon (2000-2019)
Music the Healer: Sound and Resonance as Transformative Knowledge Within IR
Evocations of Violence in Selected poems by Seamus Heaney and W. B. Yeats
Authoritarian Stability and Out-Group Survival
The Violence of Photography - Metaphors in Photography Language
Violent Aesthetics in Whiteness
Claiming Territory: The Conflict between the indigenous communities in West Papua and the Indonesian State
Censorship in Consistency: The Case of Chinese Contemporary Art (2004-2014)
Corruption and violence: Colombian paramilitarism after the demobilisation of the United Self-Defence Forces of Colombia (AUC)
Decentralization, corruption and violence caused by drug trafficiking organizations in Mexico
Femicide in Ciudad Juarez: an attack on women and society
Being white in a black society: A study on the social situation of persons with albinism in Malawi
Why does there appear to be less question about violent videogames in Japan compared to the United States?
Peru in the 1980s: The use and justification of violence by the Peruvian state and the Shining Path
‘El valiente no es violento’. Een analyse van sociaal-culturele elementen van het fenomeen geweld tussen intieme partners in Bolivia, volgens de richtlijnen van het I(ntimate) P(artner) V(iolence) Contextual Framework
The Accented Speech Act: When English Meets a Foreign Tongue
