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Different of Alike? An inter-island comparison of burials from three Pre-Columbian sites
Asymptotic blowup vortex solutions of the NLS
Voronoi Diagrams and Their Application in the DTFE Reconstructions of the Cosmic Web
Ronde gebouwen en hun wijding aan de god Quetzalcoatl-Ehecatl in Mesoamerika
Het lokaal-globaalprincipe
Candi Kedulan. Een Midden-Javaanse tempel uit de 9de eeuw en diens rol in de sociaal-politieke machtsverhoudingen van het lokale bestuur
What makes fish school?
Archaeological Site Distribution Patterns in the West Indies. A Comparison Between Saba and Anguilla
Mesolithic bone and antler barbed points from Europoort. An experimental approach
XRF: rontgenfluorescentiespectrometrie. Een onderzoek naar vuursteensoorten van de Neolitische site Schipluiden-Harnaschpolder
Boat Symbolism and Identity in Insular Southeast Asia. A Case study from the Southeast Moluccas
Motorproblems and Laterality in a Childpsychiatric Population and the Relation with Language-, and Math Performance.
Canaanite Death Rituals in the Southern Levant. An evolutionary approach to Northern Palestinian burial practices during the Middle Bronze IIA Period at Gesher
Ancient DNA Analysis of Fossil Mammoth and Mastodon Dung. Contributions to dietary research
Stable isotope analysis of mammalian bone material from the site of Woerden, the Netherlands.A study of carbon and nitrogen stable isotope variability among Pleistocene large mammals
The Middle Pleistocene fauna from Schöningen (Lower Saxony, Germany). What do the large mammals tell us?
Traditional plant medicine on Hispaniola. A historical and ethnoarchaeological study
Gehavende Kosmos. Nieuwe Inzichten in het Kosmologisch Mozaïek in Mérida
Motifs and Motivation. A Re-assessment of Methodological Approaches to Central Panamanian Iconography
The Archaeology of Domestic Behaviour. A comparative study on household organisation in ancient Greek and Roman houses
The presence of Christianity in Gaul in the 4th century. The Rise of Christianity in the cities of Gaul in the 4th century
Beeldruimten van contractieve projecties
Gips in beeld. De collectie gipsafgietsels van klassieke sculptuur van het Rijksmuseum van Oudheden te Leiden, 1818 – 2008
Controlling the power over the unknown: a comparative study into the rituals and beliefs of the mystery-cults of Dionysus, Mithras, Demeter and Isis
