Search results
(53,329 - 53,352 of 53,747)
- Candi Kedulan. Een Midden-Javaanse tempel uit de 9de eeuw en diens rol in de sociaal-politieke machtsverhoudingen van het lokale bestuur
- Archaeological Site Distribution Patterns in the West Indies. A Comparison Between Saba and Anguilla
- XRF: rontgenfluorescentiespectrometrie. Een onderzoek naar vuursteensoorten van de Neolitische site Schipluiden-Harnaschpolder
- Motorproblems and Laterality in a Childpsychiatric Population and the Relation with Language-, and Math Performance.
- Canaanite Death Rituals in the Southern Levant. An evolutionary approach to Northern Palestinian burial practices during the Middle Bronze IIA Period at Gesher
- Stable isotope analysis of mammalian bone material from the site of Woerden, the Netherlands.A study of carbon and nitrogen stable isotope variability among Pleistocene large mammals
- The Middle Pleistocene fauna from Schöningen (Lower Saxony, Germany). What do the large mammals tell us?
- Motifs and Motivation. A Re-assessment of Methodological Approaches to Central Panamanian Iconography
- The Archaeology of Domestic Behaviour. A comparative study on household organisation in ancient Greek and Roman houses
- The presence of Christianity in Gaul in the 4th century. The Rise of Christianity in the cities of Gaul in the 4th century