Leiden University Student Repository

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Executive Functioning in Adolescent Girls with Anorexia Nervosa and their Healthy Peers
Influence of Socioeconomic Status on a New Dynamic Test of Working memory in Eight to Nine Year Old Children
Het verschil in Taak Self-Efficacy, Onderhoud Self-Efficacy en Herstel Self-Efficacy tussen alledaagse Approach- en Avoidance-Doelen na het ervaren van Setbacks
The Influence of Expertise and a Warm Communication Style on The Credibility of Conspiracy Theory Debunking
Explorative research on gender differences in network associations of empathizing and systemizing
Samenhang tussen Ouderlijke Opvoedvaardigheden en Internaliserende Symptomen bij Jonge Kinderen met Sex Chromosome Trisomy (SCT)
Development for All or Pandora's Box?
Parental Emotional Suppression and Child Anxiety: Bridging Perspectives within the Family Context
China as peace broker in the Middle East: Struggle between principles and interests
Risk Profiles for Cognitive Decline and Dementia of Older Adults Living in the Netherlands
The Influence of the Characteristics of Nursing Home Residents with Dementia on the Quality of Life of the Family Caregiver
Parental Empathic Accuracy during a Conflict Task: The Influence of Parental Childhood Maltreatment and Depression
Adverse Mood Symptoms, Health-Related Quality of Life, and Disease Burden in Patients with Prolactinoma after Neurosurgical Counseling and Pharmacological Treatment
De Invloed van Risicotaxatie en Werkervaring op Besluitvorming aan de Jeugdbeschermingstafel
Uitdagend Kindgedrag en Ouderlijke Sensitiviteit; een Multi-Meetmethode Onderzoek.
Predicting pain: Understanding expectation (mis)match in nocebo responses in healthy young adults
Is de mening over online seksueel grensoverschrijdend gedrag voorspelbaar?
Het effect van een verwachtingsoptimalisatie tool op het omgaan met bevallingspijn
The Influence of Attachment Styles on Student Depression and Sleep: Risk or Resilience Factor?
Temperament Development in Identical Twins Discordant for Intrauterine Circumstances: TTTS, TAPS and/or sFGR
The impact of social learning and (mild) early life stress on extinction learning in adolescents
Ervaren functioneren als een single item vraag in gezondheidsmonitors:
Angst en pijn rondom medische procedures: de relatie tussen attitudes en ervaringen van kinderen rondom medische procedures
Rejection Sensitivity and Social Feedback Learning Rate in Adolescents
