Leiden University Student Repository

Search results

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Co-morbidity and Self-Regulation: A Network Study of Depression, Anxiety, and ADHD in a Non-Clinical Sample
Factors influencing perceived ADHD symptoms in primary school children in the Netherlands
Dyslexia and the Co-occurrence of Neurodevelopmental Disorders: a Comparison of the Cognitive Profiles
Attention to Gender
Atypical treatment response to first-choice medication in  adults with ADHD
Stability Versus Flexibility: The Adjustment of Neural Gain in Response to Task Preparation Time.
The Effect of Transcutaneous Vagus Nerve Stimulation on The Locus Coreulus – Noradrenaline System
De invloed van symptomen van ADHD en gedragsstoornissen op vriendschapskwaliteit tijdens de adolescentie
Ventral striatal prediction error and reward expectancy during a monetary reward rask in youth with ADHD versus typically developing youth
A comparison of working memory and attention in children and adolescents with ADHD and ASD
Risky decision making in adolescents with attention/hyperactivity problems and internalising problems
Premenstrual dysphoric disorder in women with ADHD
The relation between ADHD, internalizing problems and delinquent behavior in incarcerated male adolescents
Slaaphygiëne en -kenmerken bij kinderen met een Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder en Autisme Spectrum Stoornissen
De samenhang van emotieregulatie en externaliserende gedragsproblemen bij kinderen met ASS en ADHD
De invloed van inhibitie vermogen en ADHD op alcoholgebruik
Algemene angst bij kinderen met en zonder een autisme spectrum stoornis of ADHD en hun intrapersoonlijke vaardigheden en emotionele intelligentieniveau
