Leiden University Student Repository

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To what extent has Brexit changed the British perception of being run by an oligarchy? An analysis of the trope of anti-democratic oligarchs in news discourse, 2015- 2023
Which Opinions about the EU Led to Voting against Ukraine?
Global Britain
The Effects of the Distinction Between Objective and Subjective Political Knowledge in the Context of Referenda on European Integration
The Behaviour of Eurosceptic Parties in Light of Their Success: The Soft Eurosceptic Response to Brexit
Interpretive Analysis of Conservative Party Leader’s Speeches 1970 – 2015, and their relation to British Euroscepticism
The Politics of Policy Change; How the UK Conservative Party came to oppose the EU.
The Correlation Between Post-Truth and Cognitive Biases: The Cases of Brexit and Donald Trump
Brexit-Tales from a Divided Country: Fragmented Nationalism in Anthony Cartwright’s The Cut, Amanda Craig’s The Lie of the Land, and Jonathan Coe’s Middle England
Brexit Negotiations- Ireland First! Irish Agenda-Setting in the EU
Public Opinion and the Brexit Referendum (b)
Hoe populisten het journalistieke potlood hebben geslepen
The heart of an outsider at the heart of the European project. The 1975 and the 2016 referendums: An analysis of the 'Outsider Tradition'on the national and a local level
De-Europeanization in the United Kingdom: British discourse on the EU before and after the Brexit referendum
Sovereignty in the Brexit Debate: Competing Conceptions between Left- and Right-wing Newspapers
Diasporas and British Politics: The Construction and Engagement of Diasporic Communities in the Brexit Campaigns
Europe in Solidum
Euroscepticism revisited: the 2016 Leave Vote. Beyond the identity approach.
The influence of institutional, cultural and geopolitical factors on the EU's security and defence policy: When soft might not be enough anymore
The Effects of Brexit on GDPR implementation
Political Discourses on Secession in the EU
Populism versus Cosmopolitan Liberalism: An alternative to the traditional left-right dimension in contemporary Western politics as the core currency of political exchange in times of changing narratives?
The use of Persuasion Strategies in the Brexit-Referendum Campaigns: An Analysis of the Match between Strategies and their Intended Audience
Dutch Liberals' Glance Across the Water: VVD Reactions to the UK in Europe, 1948-1963 and 2000-2013
