Het gebruik van computers raakt steeds meer geïntegreerd in het onderwijs. Op de computer kan leerstof op een dynamische manier worden aangeboden en kunnen ook boeken op een dynamische, in plaats...Show moreHet gebruik van computers raakt steeds meer geïntegreerd in het onderwijs. Op de computer kan leerstof op een dynamische manier worden aangeboden en kunnen ook boeken op een dynamische, in plaats van op een statische, manier gepresenteerd worden. In dit onderzoek is de vraag of deze manier van aanbieden van boeken toegevoegde waarde heeft voor het verhaalbegrip van jonge kinderen. Daarnaast wordt onderzocht of zwakke lezers meer baat hebben bij een dynamische manier van aanbieden van boeken dan goede lezers. Kinderen (N = 51) uit groep 3 van het basisonderwijs (6-7 jarigen) kregen tweemaal een dynamische of statische versie van een verhaal aangeboden of zaten in een controlegroep die geen interventie kreeg. Het verhaalbegrip van de kinderen werd getest door het stellen van meerkeuze begripsvragen en het terug vertellen van het verhaal.Show less
This thesis investigates the Newton-Raphson solution routine used in the quasi-static multibody model of diarthrodial joints (Kwak et al. 2003). We suggest a more reliable method for solving non...Show moreThis thesis investigates the Newton-Raphson solution routine used in the quasi-static multibody model of diarthrodial joints (Kwak et al. 2003). We suggest a more reliable method for solving non-linear systems of equations that is based on numerical methods for solving differential equations, and show, given the physical nature of the model, that it will find a solution more reliably. This new method is called the Taylored Backward Euler method. It is very reliable, but takes more time to find a solution than the Newton-Raphson algorithm.Show less
Executieve functies ontwikkelen zich gedurende de gehele jeugd van het kind. Wanneer de ontwikkeling van deze functies achterblijft kunnen kinderen probleemgedrag gaan vertonen. De vraag binnen dit...Show moreExecutieve functies ontwikkelen zich gedurende de gehele jeugd van het kind. Wanneer de ontwikkeling van deze functies achterblijft kunnen kinderen probleemgedrag gaan vertonen. De vraag binnen dit onderzoek is hoe de executieve functies zich ontwikkelen bij kinderen en wat de samenhang van de executieve functies is met probleemgedrag. Verwacht wordt dat het executief functioneren van oudere kinderen beter is dan dat van jongere kinderen. Daarnaast wordt verwacht dat een minder goede ontwikkeling van de executieve functies samengaat met meer probleemgedrag. De onderzoeksgroep bestaat uit 137 kinderen van het reguliere basisonderwijs en omvat zowel jongens als meisjes uit de leeftijdscategorie 7, 9 en 11 jaar. Er is gebruik gemaakt van de ANT, SDQ en BRIEF om de executieve functies en het probleemgedrag van de kinderen te meten. Uit analyses met behulp van ANOVA en correlaties blijkt dat naarmate kinderen ouder worden, ze beter worden in het inhiberen van prepotente prikkels. Doordat deze functie verbetert maken oudere kinderen minder fouten. Op de andere inhibitie taak werden geen leeftijdseffecten gevonden, deze verschillen waren verwaarloosbaar. De samenhang van de executieve functies met probleemgedrag is niet overtuigend aangetoond in dit onderzoek. Weinig correlaties waren significant. De kleine correlaties die gevonden zijn lieten zien dat hoe meer moeite de kinderen hebben met het inhiberen van prepotent responsen des te hoger (slechter) ze scoren op hyperactiviteit.Show less
The ABC conjecture: the final frontier. These are the methods used by the ABC@home project. Its continuing mission: to explore strange new Diophantine equations; to seek out new ABC triples; to...Show moreThe ABC conjecture: the final frontier. These are the methods used by the ABC@home project. Its continuing mission: to explore strange new Diophantine equations; to seek out new ABC triples; to boldly go where no man has gone before.Show less
The Bandkeramik culture came to the Netherlands as a complete package. This new culture settled itself at the Graetheide plateau in the south of the Netherlands on the fertile loess grounds. Geleen...Show moreThe Bandkeramik culture came to the Netherlands as a complete package. This new culture settled itself at the Graetheide plateau in the south of the Netherlands on the fertile loess grounds. Geleen-Janskamperveld is one of these Bandkeramik settlements. All aspects of the Bandkeramik culture are very similar between the different settlements so models are very suitable to analyzee the Bandkeramik culture. One of these aspects which has different models, is the settlement structure. The Hofplatz model is used for centuries as the main model for the Bandkeramik culture. Within this model clusters of houses represent successive houses and thus continuity on a single location. There is still some disagreement whether one or several houses were in use at one time within such a cluster. Rück proposed a different model in which the settlement is structured along lines. He also proposed a different reconstruction of the houses and he assumes a longer use-life for the individual houses: up till a 100 years instead of the 25 years which is used most. Within this research a use-wear study of the flint artefacts found at Geleen-Janskamperveld is executed with the hope of finding some specialization between different houses. This information could help with finding which of these models is best suitable for this excavation. Some use-wear study was already done in the past. The results of the previous study are used for this new research. The predominant contact material found at Geleen-Janskamperveld is hide, followed by cereal harvesting tools. This is in line with other Bandkeramik sites in the Netherlands which were studied in the same way. Other contact materials like wood, reed, bark, meat, bone, clay, mineral materials and the mysterious contact materials which produces ‘polish 10’ and ‘polish 23’ were also recognised. Unfortunately no real specialization was found between the different houses of Geleen-Janskamperveld. The rest of the analysis therefore is based on the literature. Rück proposed new models for different aspects of the settlement. He argues that houses were built on poles instead of on the ground. His main argument, steep slopes on which the houses were built in Bandkeramik times, is not valid for the Dutch LBK. His argument about the duration of a house generation is more plausible. The old arguments for a house generation are a bit outdated. Houses probably would have last longer. A visual analysis is executed to find possible settlement structures at Geleen-Janskamperveld. This resulted in several maps which clearly show that the model of Rück is not plausible for this excavation. No real alignments are apparent. A model in which clusters of several houses success each other is more plausible. This is supported by other features such as ditches.Show less
Centraal in deze studie staat de vraag welk belang de visserij gedurende de achttiende eeuw voor het dorp Middelharnis had. Vissers vormden een substantieel deel van de Middelharnisse bevolking,...Show moreCentraal in deze studie staat de vraag welk belang de visserij gedurende de achttiende eeuw voor het dorp Middelharnis had. Vissers vormden een substantieel deel van de Middelharnisse bevolking, bovendien huisde het dorp ook nog een heel aantal ventjagers, handelaren die de vis overkochten van de vissers en deze met name naar Brabantse steden als Antwerpen en Breda vervoerden. Dit gold dan vooral voor de kabeljauw die de Middelharnisse vissers in de wintermaanden vingen, in de zomermaanden viste men op tarbot, welke door de vissers in Engeland verkocht werd. De Middelharnisse vissers waren beoefenaars van de beugvisserij en gebruikten hierbij als aas prikken, die in het ‘prikgat’ in het dorp gekweekt werden. Het dorp had ook een eigen visafslag die een belangrijke positie innam omdat alle vishandel binnen het Gat van Goeree via deze afslag diende te verlopen. De conclusie van deze studie is dat het belang van de visserij voor het dorp zeer groot was. Zo wordt met grote en kostbare werkzaamheden de haven van Middelharnis bevaarbaar gehouden, en doet het dorpsbestuur van Middelharnis grote inspanningen om bedreigingen van de vishandel op de Zuidelijke Nederlanden en Engeland het hoofd te bieden. Binnen het dorpsbestuur speelt de familie Kolff een speciale rol. Enerzijds heeft de familie zelf belangen in de visserij en anderzijds heeft men invloedrijke kennissen die worden ingeschakeld om de belangen van de Middelharnisse visserij te beschermen. This study aims to answer the question which importance the fisheries held to the town of Middelharnis during the eighteenth century. A substantial part of the population of the town were fishermen. Besides them the town housed a number of so called ‘ventjagers’, traders who bought fish from the fishermen and transported it to cities in Brabant, like Antwerp and Breda. This was especially the case with cod, which the fishermen caught during the winter. In summer they fished for turbot, which the fishermen themselves sold in England. The fishermen of Middelharnis were practitioners of longlinefishing, they used lampreys for bait. The lampreys were grown in a breeding pond in the town. The town also had its own fish auction, which had an important position because all fish trade within the Goeree Gat was supposed to run through this auction. The conclusion of this study is that the fisheries were of big importance to the town. Large and valuable works were undertaken to keep the harbor of the town sailable. The town’s governance also took great efforts to encounter the threats to the fish trade on the Southern Netherlands and England. Within the town’s governance the Kolff family played a special role. On the one hand the family itself had interests in the fisheries, on the other hand they had influential acquaintances who they used to protect the interests of the fisheries of Middelharnis.Show less
This thesis is about bone paste (also called incrustation) used in the pottery of the Dutch Funnel Beaker West Group, which could be dated between 3400 BC and 2850 BC. On the basis of the problem...Show moreThis thesis is about bone paste (also called incrustation) used in the pottery of the Dutch Funnel Beaker West Group, which could be dated between 3400 BC and 2850 BC. On the basis of the problem definition an answer is sought for the question whether the bone paste was inserted into the pottery decorations and what this bone paste is made of. This question is answered through four research parts. The first is a study of Funnel Beaker pottery to look at how frequently the phenomenon of bone paste usage occurs. The second is an experiment to try to find out what is the best way to make bone paste. The third is a taphonomical experiment to see if there are any detectable traces of the application of bone paste in the pottery. And the fourth is a DNA analysis to find out if the bone which was used for the Funnel Beaker pottery was human or animal derived. The conclusion of this thesis is that bone paste can be found in about 23% of the ancient pottery studied. Probably, more pottery contained bone paste, but this is undetectable due to taphonomic conditions and the cleaning of the pottery. White burned crushed bone was most likely rubbed into fired pottery and then a fatty substance such as melted butter was put over it. This means that the pots could not be heated or washed. The result of the taphonomical part of the research is the discovery that bone powder applied before melted butter is most resistant to all kinds of taphonomical processes. The outcome of the DNA analysis is that most likely burned human bone was used as a source for the crushed bone powder in the ancient pottery decorations.Show less
Wijk bij Duurstede is built on top of the Early Medieval settlement Dorestad. In 2008 ‘Veilingterrein’, an area adjoining the former port area, was excavated. Among the finds were 50 water wells....Show moreWijk bij Duurstede is built on top of the Early Medieval settlement Dorestad. In 2008 ‘Veilingterrein’, an area adjoining the former port area, was excavated. Among the finds were 50 water wells. For this study two of these wells were investigated at the Cultural Heritage Agency (lab Stichting RING/RCE). One water well was made of a discarded cask made of 23 oak staves and a piece of beech. Samples were taken from the staves and the tree rings measured. The staves were found to originate from one single tree. Synchronising the data from all staves created a series of 111 tree rings, including 11sapwood rings. This series did not match reliably with the reference chronologies. Cross-dating individual staves with the chronologies was not successful either. The piece of beech could not be dated dendrochronologically. The second water-well, a hollowed-out oak, was sampled, the synchronised measurements totalled 92 rings, no sapwood was present. The wood did not match with the reference chronologies.Show less
Doel van deze scriptie is de relatie tussen rock art en het landschap in de bronstijd te onderzoeken. Rock art is een geschikt medium voor een bredere studie naar de prehistorische samenleving en...Show moreDoel van deze scriptie is de relatie tussen rock art en het landschap in de bronstijd te onderzoeken. Rock art is een geschikt medium voor een bredere studie naar de prehistorische samenleving en de bewoning en het gebruik van het landschap. De regio Bohuslän in Zweden is als onderzoeksgebied gekozen daar er zich een grote concentratie rock art bevindt en er zeer gedetailleerde, recente onderzoeken beschikbaar zijn. Het rock art onderzoek in Bohuslän is van oudsher, maar zelfs tot op de dag van vandaag, geregeerd door het aardse paradigma. De laatste jaren is er een begin gemaakt met het vestigen van een nieuw maritiem kader. De meest voorkomende figuratieve motieven in Bohuslän zijn petrogliefen van boten. Het lijkt er op dat die op een betekenisvolle locatie aan de kust liggen. Ze wijken sterk af van de rock art uit de omgeving. De grootste rock art sites met de meeste afbeeldingen van boten zijn in de nabijheid van de kust gelokaliseerd, terwijl rock art sites met afbeeldingen van grote mensfiguren zich op de hoger gelegen gebieden bevinden. Zou het om een locatie kunnen gaan waar de lokale elite zijn reizen begon? De onderzoekers zijn het er over eens dat de samenleving in de bronstijd de vorm van een “chiefdom” heeft. Er zijn echter vele verschillende vormen van een “chiefdom”, van sterk hiërarchisch tot meer egalitair. De rock art kan ons een aanwijzing geven over de mate van hiërarchie binnen de “chiefdoms” en daarmee de sociale structuur van de samenleving in Bohuslän.Show less
In 1975 plans were made for a recreational park east of Wijchen. During the research of the area, it became clear that this place was of great archaeological interest. So it was decided that...Show moreIn 1975 plans were made for a recreational park east of Wijchen. During the research of the area, it became clear that this place was of great archaeological interest. So it was decided that excavation was necessary. The excavation commenced in spring 1976 and took several years. During the excavation two house plans were identified and great quantities of pottery collected. Unfortunately, there has been no documentation in the thirty years since the excavation with exception of site plans. Therefore there is a great shortage of information. In the past years some students did some thesis-research on the subject of Wijchen-Berendonck and they discovered that this site contained mainly Iron Age material. The houses have been dated to Early and Middle Iron Age as well. In this thesis a small part in the northwest of the site is studied. At this part of the site only two structures are evident: two small barns. The focus of this thesis is on the pottery found in four large pits. The results of this research indicate that the material is from the Iron Age also and so it is suspected that the collection also contains Early and Middle period. However this is not clear enough, which is due to the lack of information and documentation. To achieve more clearance in this project we need to wait for the research results of masterstudent Marloes Luijten, who is studying the rest of the site at the moment.Show less
From the site Seru Boca on Curaçao where archeological research was conducted by the Faculty of Archeology of the University of Leiden, the Netherlands, charcoal from a hearth place was brought to...Show moreFrom the site Seru Boca on Curaçao where archeological research was conducted by the Faculty of Archeology of the University of Leiden, the Netherlands, charcoal from a hearth place was brought to the botanical laboratory. In order to analyse the relationship of the people who lit the fire with their environment, charcoal determination is conducted in this report. The relevance of charcoal investigation is addressed and for determination, sixteen recent samples were compared with the archeological charcoal and morphological features were looked at. Several approaches towards the choice of wood are noted; not only the suitability, determined by ecophysical and mechanical properties and availibity is looked at, but also ethnographical usage of species is briefly addressed. Concerning the determination, it was established that the species found, Laguncularia racemosa, was present in the vegetation between 1415 and 1648, in which period the archeological charcoal remains were carbon dated.Show less
This paper investigates the Wartberg-Stein-Vlaardingen-complex as proposed by Louwe Kooijmans (1983) A systematic comparison was made of chronology, pottery, burial rituals, settlements, and...Show moreThis paper investigates the Wartberg-Stein-Vlaardingen-complex as proposed by Louwe Kooijmans (1983) A systematic comparison was made of chronology, pottery, burial rituals, settlements, and subsistence of these three cultural groups. Stein and Vlaardingen show many similarities in pottery which lead to the suggestion that they might have been one cultural phenomenon, with Stein being the dry component and Vlaardingen the wet component. However, this disregards the differences in other aspects of material culture. The Wartberg-culture is geographically far apart and show some important differences. The main conclusion of this paper is that there is not enough common ground for the Wartberg-Stein-Vlaardingen-complex set apart from other middle and late neolithic cultures in Western Europe. The relations of the Wartberg-culture with Stein- and Vlaardingen-group are not as close as propesed by Louwe Kooijmans (1983).Show less
This thesis presents the first compilation of almost all of the available information on dogs in the Caribbean in order to provide insight into the social role of the dog in Pre-Columbian Caribbean...Show moreThis thesis presents the first compilation of almost all of the available information on dogs in the Caribbean in order to provide insight into the social role of the dog in Pre-Columbian Caribbean societies. This compilation consists of data from the Caribbean archaeological record (with the Early Ceramic Age component of the site Morel (300 B.C. – A.D. 400), Guadeloupe, as a case study) and is supported by information from Caribbean ethnohistoric accounts and analogous South American ethnographies. From these multidisciplinary sources it becomes evident that while there are many problems associated with the research focused on dogs within Pre-Columbian Caribbean Archaeology, there are some general conclusions that can be made. Remains or representations of the dog have been found in almost every island of the Caribbean, with the oldest dog remains dating to the Archaic Age. The dog’s presence in the archaeological record becomes significant from the Early Ceramic Age onward, when the first burials and ceramic representations are found. Dogs might have been buried as an offering, out of personal reverence of the animal or as a guide for the souls of the dead. Similar ideas of the dog as a protector and mediator of the border between the worlds of the living and the dead exist in many cultures across the world. There are also several parallels between burials of humans and dogs in both the Caribbean and in Europe. In the Caribbean dogs were also totemic and cultural symbols, whose representations and skeletal or dental elements might have been as important as their burials. From the available evidence it can be concluded that the social role of the dog in the Caribbean probably consisted of the dog as a family member, as well as a (hunting) companion or guide (whether in life or in death). The attention commonly lavished on dogs in mortuary contexts suggests that dogs are about as close to being considered a person as a non-human animal can be.Show less