Research master thesis | History: Societies and Institutions (research) (MA)
open access
In this thesis I have attempted to determine to what degree the colonial discourse(the publicly expressed world view and moral codes of the ruling colonial elites)in the Netherlands-Indies...Show moreIn this thesis I have attempted to determine to what degree the colonial discourse(the publicly expressed world view and moral codes of the ruling colonial elites)in the Netherlands-Indies conflicted with the phenomenon of colonial hybridity. I have distilled the colonial discourse from the writings of multiple researchers and confronted this with everyday reality. I have gained my data about everyday in the Netherlands-Indies from the biographical interviews contained in the SMGI collection at the KITLV institute and from a pair of Indies writers. What I have found during my research was that everyday reality was far more hybrid and that people would associate and mix with other ethnic groups far more than the colonial discourse as spread by the colonial elites would suggest. The thesis itself is in Dutch.Show less
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of three formats (traditional, vertical, and subtype) on the validity of the Curriculum-based Measurement (CBM) maze measure as an indicator of...Show moreThe purpose of this study was to examine the effects of three formats (traditional, vertical, and subtype) on the validity of the Curriculum-based Measurement (CBM) maze measure as an indicator of reading performance. The effects of gender on maze scores for each format were also examined. Participants were 42 students (17 females, 25 males) in grade 6 between the age of 11 and 13 from a Dutch school. CITO test scores and comprehension questions served as criterion measures for the maze tasks. Results revealed format, but not gender, effects for the mean maze scores. No format effects were found for correlations between maze and the criterion variables. Correlations between maze and CITO scores were all significant and ranged from .34 to .36. Correlations between the maze and comprehension question scores ranged from .25 to .36.Show less
Research master thesis | History: Societies and Institutions (research) (MA)
open access
2013-10-03T00:00:00Z, 2013-10-03T00:00:00Z
The thesis presents an introduction and edition of the Chronicon Moissiacense, a Carolingian world chronicle as contained in BN lat. 4886. The various manuscripts related to this text are explored...Show moreThe thesis presents an introduction and edition of the Chronicon Moissiacense, a Carolingian world chronicle as contained in BN lat. 4886. The various manuscripts related to this text are explored and placed in a stemma, followed by a review of previous editions and a short exploration of Merovingian and Carolingian historiography, with particular focus on world and universal chronicles. The Chronicon Moissiacense is mainly interesting because of its highly composite nature; it expands on an older, 8th century text that records history up to the year 741 and is a composition of ancient as well as early medieval authors. Bede's 66th chapter of De Temporum Ratione forms the spine of the chronicle, but this text is heavily interpolated with fragments from Flavius Josephus, Eusebius, Jerome, Orosius, Fredegar, the Liber Historiae Francorum, and other sources. The Chronicon Moissiacense presents a continuation of this text up to the year 818, drawing on other sources such as the Annales Laureshamenses, multiple minor annals, and a 'southern source' believed to be lost today. The text attempts to connect Roman with Merovingian and Carolingian history in various ways, such as through the inclusion of a shared Trojan heritage, but also through a reworking of the chronology.Show less
Een onderzoek naar de invloed van percepties van de leercultuur en de werkkenmerken op het zelfsturend vermogen van leerkrachten in het primair onderwijs.
In het onderwijs aan leerlingen die Nederlands als tweede taal moeten leren ontbreekt een passend leerlingvolgsysteem. Curriculum-based measurement (CBM) is een leerlingvolgsysteem uit Amerika...Show moreIn het onderwijs aan leerlingen die Nederlands als tweede taal moeten leren ontbreekt een passend leerlingvolgsysteem. Curriculum-based measurement (CBM) is een leerlingvolgsysteem uit Amerika waarbij door middel van korte taken de groei en ontwikkeling van schoolse vaardigheden gemeten kan worden. In Amerika is hiernaar al veel onderzoek is gedaan. In deze studie wordt onderzocht of een Nederlandse maze en woordenschattaak betrouwbaar en valide meetinstrumenten zijn om Nederlandse leesvaardigheid te meten. In totaal hebben 72 leerlingen meegedaan tussen de 13 en 18 jaar en afkomstig uit 22 landen. De resultaten laten zien dat de maze en de woordenschattaak betrouwbare meetinstrumenten maar de betrouwbaarheid is groter bij twee minuten dan bij één minuut. Ook zijn de maze en de woordenschattaak ruim gemiddeld tot goede voorspellers voor zowel het niveau van leesvaardigheid als het schoolniveau. Echter zijn de maze en woordenschattaak samen geen betere voorspeller, dit geldt voor zowel leesvaardigheid als schoolniveau.Show less
Research master thesis | Developmental Psychopathology in Education and Child Studies (research) (MSc)
open access
We investigated the year prevalence of child sexual abuse (CSA) in residential and foster care and compared it with prevalence rates in the general population. We used two approaches to estimate...Show moreWe investigated the year prevalence of child sexual abuse (CSA) in residential and foster care and compared it with prevalence rates in the general population. We used two approaches to estimate the prevalence of CSA. First, 264 professionals working in residential or foster care (sentinels) reported CSA for the children they worked with (N = 6,281). Second, 329 adolescents staying in residential or foster care reported on their own experiences with CSA. Sentinels and adolescents were randomly selected from 82 Dutch youth care facilities. We found that 4.3 per 1000 children had been victims of CSA based on sentinel reports. In addition, 248 per 1000 adolescents reported having experienced CSA. Results based on both sentinel and self-report revealed higher prevalence rates in youth care than in the general population, with the highest prevalence in residential care. Prevalence rates in foster care did not differ from the general population. We conclude that residential placements should remain a last resort. Unfortunately foster care does not effectively protect children against sexual abuse either, and thus its quality needs to be further improved.Show less
Since the turn of the century, there has been a notable increase in the popularity of depictions and exhibitions featuring Japanese prehistoric figurines, better known as dogū. These artefacts from...Show moreSince the turn of the century, there has been a notable increase in the popularity of depictions and exhibitions featuring Japanese prehistoric figurines, better known as dogū. These artefacts from the Jōmon Period (about 15.600 to 3200 years BP) with a supposed ritual purpose increasingly show up in and outside of archaeology. In this paper I look for a possible explanation for this recently heightened interest. This is done by asking two questions: 1. Where are dogū present, and 2. how can this be explained? Going from Japan’s identity and the nature of their connection with the past, in this paper I look for the ulterior motives and goals behind the presence of dogū where they are most often seen: museums, art, popular culture/media. The first part, an analysis of dogū in Japan, shows that Japan’s view of its Jōmon past has changed since World War II. Out of nationalism a link is created with a past in which Japan was supposedly still unique and pure. Dogū reflect this and have thus come to represent Jōmon heritage. Good characteristics and aspects are selectively emphasized. In this way a generalizing story is created, that unfortunately negatively impacts the diversity that existed in the past. On the other hand, the mysticism and mysterious nature of dogū are a source of inspiration for artists and popular media such as anime, manga and videogames. The second half investigates the presence of dogū in the West, which can be largely attributed to several researchers who publicize across country borders and have brought dogū to Western museums. A case study of the ‘Power of Dogū’ and ‘Unearthed’ exhibitions offers insight into the goals behind this kind of exhibition. The Jōmon period and its dogū are used to represent the cultural traditions of Japan. In the debate on world heritage too dogū are used to promote the Jōmon period, as evidenced by my case study of a debate on Jōmon heritage in Paris.Show less
Neighbourhood social capital is a relatively new concept in social sciences and has an important role in this research. Neighbourhood social capital consists of informal social control and the...Show moreNeighbourhood social capital is a relatively new concept in social sciences and has an important role in this research. Neighbourhood social capital consists of informal social control and the social cohesion and trust that parents experience in their neighbourhood. The first research question in this explorative study focuses on whether neighbourhood social capital is related to sensitivity of parents. Second, we examined whether temperament of the child is related to sensitivity of the parent. Third, the moderating effect of child temperament on the relationship between social capital and neighbourhood sensitivity of the parent is examined. We used data of 92 parent-child pairs who in 2011 participated in the study Children in the Centre of C.D. Werner at Leiden University. The results showed no significant relationship between neighbourhood social capital and sensitivity of the parent. The relationship between the child's temperament and sensitivity of the parent was also found not significant. Finally, there was no significant moderator effect of child temperament on the relationship between neighbourhood social capital and the sensitivity of the parent. Although the results of this study should be interpreted with caution, it seems that there is no direct relation between neighbourhood social capital and the degree of sensitivity of the parent. Further research is recommended to test an interaction model with multiple predictors for subgroups parents or children.Show less
In dit onderzoek zijn de ontwikkeling van exploratie, de ontwikkeling van sociale vaardigheden en de relatie tussen exploratie en sociale vaardigheden onderzocht. Dit is gemeten door het programma...Show moreIn dit onderzoek zijn de ontwikkeling van exploratie, de ontwikkeling van sociale vaardigheden en de relatie tussen exploratie en sociale vaardigheden onderzocht. Dit is gemeten door het programma Playhouse in te zetten bij kinderen in de leeftijd van 4 t/m 8 jaar en door de vragenlijst Social Skills Rating System te laten invullen door hun ouders. Deze informatie is van 471 kinderen, 250 jongens en 221 meisjes, verkregen gedurende januari 2009 tot mei 2010. In dit onderzoek wordt duidelijk dat het exploratief gedrag bij 4 tot 5-jarigen significant toeneemt. Bij meisjes neemt het exploratief gedrag toe en neemt de efficiëntie van de stijl van exploratie af. Er is een interactie-effect tussen de stijl van exploratie en het geslacht: waar de stijl van de meisjes minder efficiënt wordt, wordt de stijl van de jongens juist efficiënter tussen de twee meetmomenten. De sociale vaardigheden van de kinderen verbeteren naarmate ze ouder worden. De stijl van exploratie blijkt samen te hangen met de sociale vaardigheden een jaar later. Deze relatie wordt door de jongens verklaard. Geconcludeerd kan worden dat wanneer een kind een meer efficiënte stijl van exploratie vertoont, het op den duur betere sociale vaardigheden heeft dan een kind dat minder efficiënte exploratie vertoont. Ook wordt duidelijk dat jongens en meisjes aanzienlijk verschillen in hun exploratieve ontwikkeling.Show less
Research master thesis | Developmental Psychopathology in Education and Child Studies (research) (MSc)
open access
One of the dysfunctions associated with Klinefelter syndrome (KS) (47,XXY) are difficulties in social functioning, which may arise as a consequence of executive functioning (EF) and Theory of Mind ...Show moreOne of the dysfunctions associated with Klinefelter syndrome (KS) (47,XXY) are difficulties in social functioning, which may arise as a consequence of executive functioning (EF) and Theory of Mind (ToM) deficits. In this study, the influence of EF on ToM skills in KS boys was examined, as well as how these skills relate to autistic features. ASD traits were assessed with the parent-report Autism-Spectrum Quotient. ToM skills were measured with the Social Cognitive Skills Test. EF skills were measured with the Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals and Amsterdam Neuropsychological Tasks. 28 KS boys (Mage=13.2, SD=3.0) participated in this study, along with 45 ASD boys (Mage=11.9, SD=2.0) and 46 boys from the general population (Mage=12.2, SD=2.9) as control groups. KS boys showed substantially elevated levels of ASD traits compared to the general population, but lower levels than ASD boys. In addition, difficulties regarding ToM and cognitive flexibility were more prominent in KS boys than in ASD boys compared to the general population. ToM task performance could partly be explained by spatial WM and attention switching (as autistic trait) could partly be explained by ToM skills in KS boys. The current study highlights the importance of attention modulation skills and ToM skills in social functioning of individuals with KS, providing promising insights regarding prevention and intervention. Future studies should focus on the effectiveness of enhancing EF skills in KS boys and the role of the X chromosome in vulnerability for autistic traits.Show less
Het doel van dit onderzoek was het analyseren van de relatie tussen stress, etnische identiteit, opleidingsniveau van de tweedegeneratie Turkse moeders in Nederland en externaliserend...Show moreHet doel van dit onderzoek was het analyseren van de relatie tussen stress, etnische identiteit, opleidingsniveau van de tweedegeneratie Turkse moeders in Nederland en externaliserend probleemgedrag van hun peuters. Hierbij werd gekeken of de genoemde relatie gemedieerd werd door de opvoedingsattituden van moeders over disciplineren. In totaal hebben 65 tweedegeneratie Turkse moeders vragenlijsten ingevuld. In dit onderzoek is geen bewijs gevonden dat er een relatie is tussen stress, etnische identiteit, het opleidingniveau van de moeder enerzijds en externaliserend probleemgedrag van het kind anderzijds. Tevens was er ook geen bewijs voor mediatie door een autoritaire of autoritatieve opvoedingsstijl. Er is wel een samenhang gevonden tussen verschillende onafhankelijke variabelen. Opleidingsniveau blijkt samen te hangen met dagelijkse stress. Werken onder hoge werkdruk komt vooral voor bij beroepen waarvoor een hoog opleidingsniveau is vereist. Ook hebben deze moeders thuis een verzorgende taak waardoor de kans groter is dat zij meer dagelijkse stress ervaren. Een andere opvallend resultaat is dat een sterke Turkse identiteit samenhangt met de autoritaire opvoedingsstijl. In tegenstelling tot de verwachtingen hangt een sterke Turkse etnische identiteit ook samen met een autoritatieve opvoedingsstijl en is er een significant positief verband tussen beide opvoedingsstijlen. Het lijkt erop dat kenmerken van Turkse en Nederlandse opvoedingsstrategieën samengesmolten zijn tot de opvoedingsstijl die de tweedegeneratie Turkse moeders toepassen.Show less
Master thesis | Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology (MSc)
open access
Restoring law and order and trust in the state is a challenge in a post conflict situation. Especially in the case of Bosnia Herzegovina, where the state is not easy to define. Based on field...Show moreRestoring law and order and trust in the state is a challenge in a post conflict situation. Especially in the case of Bosnia Herzegovina, where the state is not easy to define. Based on field research in the city of Mostar this thesis tries to answer theShow less
This thesis consists of two related parts. In the first part the Qgonality of X1(N) is computed for all odd N ≤ 29 and a very good lower bound is given for N = 31 (see corollary 2.17). In the...Show moreThis thesis consists of two related parts. In the first part the Qgonality of X1(N) is computed for all odd N ≤ 29 and a very good lower bound is given for N = 31 (see corollary 2.17). In the second part of this thesis it shown that if there is a torsion point of prime order p on an elliptic curve over a number field with degree 5 over Q, then p ≤ 19 or p ∈ {29, 31, 41}. Also all primes p ≤ 19 occur as the order of a torsion point of some elliptic curve over a number field of degree at most 5. Table 3.2 also contains the results obtained using the same techniques for number field of degrees 6 and 7.Show less
The data used for this thesis are data about Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) and they have some special characteristics. The numerical values are semi-quantitative, the response is categorical (BV...Show moreThe data used for this thesis are data about Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) and they have some special characteristics. The numerical values are semi-quantitative, the response is categorical (BV negative, intermediate and BV positive) and the data are high-dimensional. Categorical regression (CATREG) is a method that can be used to analyze these data. To determine how CATREG performs in predicting future outcomes from these data it will be compared to Random Forests, one of the golden standards in statistical learning. The dataset was randomly divided in a training and test set. The training set was used for variable selection and determining the values of the regularization parameters, and the test set was used for estimating the prediction accuracy. Based on the training set a Random Forests model and a CATREG model were chosen and used for prediction. Random Forests and CATREG both classify 68% of the outcomes correctly, but the models are not able to distinguish well between intermediate and BV positive women. When the intermediate and BV positive women are taken together, the percentages of correctly classified women increases to 95% and 97% for Random Forest and CATREG, respectively. Overall this analysis showed that CATREG performs as well as Random Forests in the prediction and therefore it can be considered as a worthwhile alternative.Show less